Analysis of the impact of Colour of Storage Container and Storage Conditions on Bacteria flora Water


  • D.O. Adetitun
  • F.O. Ologun


Bacteria, Water, Storage, Colour, Container, Condition


The consequence of storage and colour of buckets on the bacteriological quality of borehole water was investigated. Water samples drawn from the borehole were collected into covered tap-fitted buckets of different colours. A set of buckets were stored outdoor while duplicates were stored indoor. The physicochemical and bacteriological parameters were analyzed. There was a gradual increase in the pH of the samples during storage. Suspended solid content, bacterial count and coliform count declined with storage. There was reduction in the total bacteria count by 94.84%; 98.72%, 91.03%; 96.15%, 92.30; 96.15 and 93.60; 97.44 from an initial 78 x 10² CFU/ml for indoor and outdoor storage in the colourless, black, green and blue buckets respectively. There was also reduction in total coliform count by 95.24%; 100.00%, 90.48%; 95.24%, 90.48%; 97.62%, 92.86%; 97.62 from an initial 42 x 10² CFU/ml for indoor and outdoor
storage in the colourless, black, green and blue buckets respectively. Eleven bacteria including Bacillus subtilis and Acinetobacter haemolyticus were isolated. Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa survived till the last day of storage. Decrease in bacterial counts was prominent in the colourless and blue buckets stored outdoor making them the colour of choice for use in water storage tanks.





