Fabrication of Advanced High-Speed Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor


  • U.I. Oduah
  • W. Yang


Carbon Nanotube, Nanotechnology, CMOS, MOSFET, Integrated Circuit


In this study we propose the fabrication of advanced high-speed complementary metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (AHCMOS) by combining a P-carbon nanotube with n-metal oxide semiconductor (NMOS) on a single chip. The target is to achieve extremely high speed low-power dissipating miniaturized device with improved functionalities.  The technology of conventional metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) and nanotechnology are applied in this research. A P-carbon nanotube is complemented with the conventional NMOS all embedded on the same chip.  Although it is possible to fabricate both a P and N carbon nanotube to form a complementary pair, and also a PMOS and NMOS to form a complementary pair, however in this research we propose a hybrid structure with carbon nanotube transistor technology and complementary MOSFET technology. This device therefore combines the best characteristics of carbon nanotube technology and CMOS technology to provide enhanced logic functions that are optimized for the high-speed, low-power systems and miniaturized size ideal for very large scale integration (VLSI).





