Pegmatites: The Hidden Gems of Igneous Rocks and Their Economic Potential
Hidden Gem
Pegmatite, Classification, Exploitation, Utilization, GeotectonicAbstract
Pegmatite is a significant rock with far-reaching applications. Numerous valuable minerals such as quartz, feldspar, muscovite, spodumene, lepidolite, tantalite, beryl and varieties of tourmaline can be found in pegmatites and some of these economic minerals associated with pegmatite have been utilized in cell phones and, more recently, lithium batteries. Mineralogically, pegmatites could be simple or complex while chemically; granitic and rare-element pegmatites have been identified. The Basement Complex of Nigeria which has undergone various episodes of deformation comprises of rocks which are host to pegmatites. This review discusses the rock pegmatite, including its definition, occurrence, distribution, particularly in Nigeria, as well as its classification, chemistry affinity, age, and geotectonic environments. The knowledge of these peculiar characteristics of the rock pegmatite will help in their exploration, exploitation and utilization in the industry.