Aim and Scope

The Ilorin Journal of science is an international and interdisciplinary open-access journal devoted to all aspects of research in Sciences and related fields. Quality submissions in all topical areas of sciences, ranging from basic and theoretical aspects of science to empirical applications aspects are solicited. As an interdisciplinary research journal, research output in areas such as pure and applied Chemistry, mathematical sciences, biological sciences, physical sciences, engineering, nanotechnology, spectroscopy, material science, climate change, natural sciences, food and nutrition,

Papers submitted for review should report original and unpublished work, which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in any form. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meets the general criteria of novelty, innovation, significance and research excellence. All manuscripts submitted to the Ilorin Journal of Science will be peer-reviewed. Only manuscripts that conform strictly with the best global ethical and scientific publishing standards will be considered for publication.

Authors should note that all manuscripts submitted will be subjected to plagiarism check on ithenticate. Manuscript with similarity of more than 20% is rejected without further processing.

Types of Contributions

The following article types are considered for publication:

  1. Regular articles/Research Articles: These should describe new, carefully confirmed findings and experimental procedures which should be given in sufficient detail. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.
  2. Short Communications/Comments/Replies/Letters: Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. Short communications should be 2 to 4 pages in length. Short Communications should present a complete study that is shorter than the full-length papers. The manuscript preparation is the same as that of the full-length papers.
  3. Comment or Letter is a short report/observation on any Article, in which Reply serves as a response to a Comment/Letter written about an Article.
  4. Review Articles: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are solicited and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and not longer than 12 to 18 pages. Reviews manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.
  5. Books and Book Chapter: Well written book and book chapters can also be considered for publication if it passes the peer-review tests.